billy watson
full name William Joseph Watson comic name Billy Batson / Shazam date of birth 24 January 1989 (26) hometown Lynn, Ma residence Boston, MA occupation behavior specialist/special education for league school of greater boston status Single
For someone to have grown up in such a depressing situation, Billy Watson has managed to prove himself to be an extremely optimistic and kindhearted soul.

Billy Watson had just turned seven years old when tragedy struck: his parents, Mary and William, met their untimely demise during a freak car accident, leaving Billy in the care of his Aunt, Beatrice. However, there wasn't much of a grace period allowed for poor Billy to mourn the loss of his parents. His aunt was a cruel older woman; she had no interest in having children of her own and found that Billy was just a burden that just wasn't worth it to her.

It wasn't hard to imagine that Billy didn't want to be there either. His aunt was a miserable one that barely paid attention to him. Often times, he'd get "lost" on his way home from school just so that he didn't have to be around her. And it wasn't that she noticed.. or cared. She had no particular preference if the boy was home, safe and sound. She'd turn a blind eye to him once he finally came back around, dirty and starving, and that was the way that they managed their lives together for several years.

It was when Billy was thirteen years old that things seemed to change for him. After one of his teacher's had found Billy departing from an alleyway, they confronted the boy on school grounds and asked him how he was doing at home. Hesitant at frst, Billy eventually opened up to his teacher and to say they were appalled would be an understatement. After going back and forth with the teacher, his guidance counsler, child services, and his aunt (the only remaining family the poor kid had, and family was a word to be used loosely), Billy was then packed up and moved into the care of the state.

Going in and out of foster homes wasn't all that bad. There were some where chores were an every day and expected thing of each and every kid, but they weren't child labor camps. The families he spent time with were good to him, even if Billy's immediate reaction was to find a way all on his own; unlike his aunt, they were active about searching for him and always found him a few hours later sitting outside a convenience store or at the park.

At the age of fifteen, Billy had surrendered to the fact that he would never really find a family to call his own and thus allowed himself to grow attached to his foster family of a mother and father, a younger sister, and an older brother. They worked and cared for each other like a normal family did, even if they weren't the least bit normal. Eventually, prior to Billy's eighteenth birthday, the Monroe family did adopt Billy, but allowed him to keep his last name as it was one of the few things he had to relate to his mother & father.

College was an odd time for Billy. While he was used to being on his own, he was repeatedly told that college was a 'rite of passage' and should 'experience independence' and somehow he was led to believe that this was different than anything he had been through in his earlier years. And much to his surprise - and it took him a little while to realize - he could actually enjoy his independence.

His freshman year was a mixture of independent studies and going over the many options in which he could "major" in. He had, in essence, the whole world at his fingertips and he couldn't figure out where to begin. He was mid-way through his freshman year when he met another student out on the quad. This student had a binder that was structured and color coded. He kept checking his watch and mouthing to himself the number of steps it took to get from one building to the other. Curiously, Billy introduced himself and asked if he needed any help.

It had come to Billy's attention that the student that he had met was autistic. In an effort to understand more, he spent time in the library and asking professors more about it. It was then that Billy decided on what he wanted to do. And in the meantime, he managed to make a new friend.

Now, at the age of twenty-six, Billy has completed his master's in special education and has taken a position at the League School of Greater Boston as a behavioral specialist, working with children from 3-5 years old that have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and asperger's syndrome.

one both went through traumatic experiences at a young age due to the lose of their parents - billy lost his parents at age of seven due to a freak car accident and billy/shazam's parents were killed by their assistant (black adam). two both were passed on to their only remaining relative that did not care for them. - billy's aunt was a cruel woman that didn't care for him & billy/shazam's uncle stole his inheritance and kicked him out. three while billy wound runaway and "live" on the street, billy/shazam was kicked out of his uncle's and forced to live on the street. four regardless of their past, both are very optimistic and altruistic. five share a first and middle name, including nicknames. six same birthday, different years. seven both have a younger sister named mary; one is a foster sister & the other is blood related.
» typically works 45-50 hours a week, not including is time off where he is consistently drawing up learning plans pertaining to each individual student under his care.

» he likes to use the opportunity his spare time presents him by "tuning out" and doing things that give him some peace of mind. things such as playing video games, watching sports or tv in general, painting or sketching, skateboarding (when weather permits), building model trains, etc.

» lives with his best friend, parker west in a two bedroom apartment in south boston. they lives in a complex made up of primarily older irish-american couples that take pity on them and often set aside dinner for the two of them.

» visits with his adoptive family every other weekend. they use that time to catch up with each other in person, rather than through phone calls or e-mails, and after dinner there is always some board game being played in which typically, billy wins.

» has a collection of rare stamps that was passed on from his grandmother to his mother and then left to him when she passed away.

» was legally allowed to his inheritance at the age of twenty-five but hasn't bothered to touch it other than to pay off student loans and rent.

» would like to one day help train a service dog and/or animal (preferably a dog) that he can use with the children he teaches.